You never know where friendships might begin…

Some people are good at striking up conversations with strangers. They’ll chat away in confined spaces like elevators, waiting rooms, planes and trains, but I tend not to do that. I prefer to keep to myself. I suspect many of us are like that which is a pity because you never know what you’re missing out on by not making the effort.

Back in 2017, my wife and I went to Tenerife for a few weeks. We stayed in Los Christianos and found a lovely pub run by an Irish couple Brendan and Annette called, The Devon Arms. They were very welcoming, had a nice clientele and did lovely pub grub so it quickly became our local watering hole.

Brendan, the landlord, was a character and football mad. He kept a referee’s whistle and a red card behind the counter. He was an Arsenal fan and if you cheered for the wrong team or insulted one of his players, he blew his whistle, and you were sent outside. It was all in good fun.

We hadn’t seen him around the bar for a few days and when we inquired about him, Annette told us he was taking it easy because he was having treatment for prostate cancer. That came as a shock.

I discussed his ill health with another man I met in that bar called Richard Harris. Richard and I had only exchanged a few words previously, but we discovered we had something in common; we were both retired police sergeants. It was a brief encounter and when the holiday was over, we parted company to return to our normal lives and that was that.

The following year, 2018, I had my own brush with prostate cancer and while I was at home recovering from the surgery, I got an email from Richard. He had read a piece I had written about my prostate saga, and he told me he was facing similar surgery.

We kept in touch after that, exchanging news of our highs and lows, and became what you might call modern day pen pals. In one of his emails, Richard gave me the sad news that Brendan from the Devon Arms had succumbed to his illness and had passed away. I was sorry to hear that, and I was surprised how much it bothered me because we didn’t know each other well. In fact, I’m sure Brendan didn’t even remember who I was, but I still felt the loss.

Only a short time previously, the three of us were complete strangers and we only met because we were thrown together in a pub while on a holiday. Little did we know the time would come when we would also be linked through diseased prostates. My life was certainly better for having met both of those guys and that brief encounter with Brendan left its mark. Richard, I’m happy to report, is still doing well.

I had another experience with a stranger when I went to the Mater Hospital in Dublin for the prostate surgery. I arrived in the hospital the day before and had some pre-op checks before being sent to the ward for the night. I was a bit apprehensive about facing into surgery the following morning, so I was happy to be alone with my thoughts.

But when I entered my room, there was a guy sitting on the other bed and he was having none of it. He hopped off the bed and marched over to me, stuck out his large hand and introduced himself as Matt Butler. He was a big man in his seventies with a firm handshake. He spent his working life in the market in Smithfield so he was a real people person and boy, could he talk. If telling yarns was an Olympic event, I’d put serious money on Matt to take the gold medal.

He had several issues with his own health, but he didn’t let that bother him. No matter what was thrown at him, he accepted it and drove on. He was a regular visitor to the hospital, so they all knew him, and he had a word for everyone. He was the life and soul of the place.

He had an interesting life and I got to hear most of it in the short time I spent with him. Even when I was stiff and sore, he had me laughing but it is for something else that I will remember him fondly.

The day after the surgery, I was wired up to various bits and pieces and getting to the bathroom was a bit of a trial. Without going into too much detail, after one of those trips, I came back to the bed and there was blood leaking out of me. I panicked because I didn’t know where exactly it was coming from, but I knew it shouldn’t be there. My pyjamas were a mess.

When Matt saw the state of me, he sat me in the chair while he went for a nurse. He calmed me down and offered me spare pyjamas he had in his locker. He took control of the situation which in the cold light of day, might not seem like such a big deal, but to me, at that time, it was everything.

I wasn’t thinking clearly so he did the thinking for me despite the fact he was unwell himself. He offered me his spare pyjamas without thinking twice even though he could have found himself in urgent need of them at any moment. Fortunately, I had my own.

We only spent a few days in each other’s company, but we keep in touch by text and his messages always make me laugh. Another stranger who became a friend in unusual circumstances.

12 thoughts on “You never know where friendships might begin…”

  1. Trevor
    I am really rather touched to have been included in your weekly blog and thank you for alerting me before I read it on Tuesday. Friendships can arise unexpectedly and in unusual circumstances. Whilst we only met fleetingly, I feel we have grown to know each other and I would like to think that I may have been some support to you as I am certain that you were to me with our shared prostate experience

  2. Lovely heart warming piece again
    Well done on all your tales. I love your style of writing and the subjects you write about. I look forward to your articles arrival in my inbox and you have a lovely way of communicating which always gives me a bit of a lift and makes me feel de stressed and smiling even if the subjects can be sad sometimes. Keep up the writing and thinking and sending us your insightful thoughts born of personal experiences and careful observation.
    I especially like your self deprecating humourous observations and absence of ego and self importance in telling us about yourself. Apologies for going on and on

    Best Regards


    1. Hi Dave, thanks a million for those lovely comments. It’s difficult sometimes to come up with new topics week after week and there are times when I wonder if it’s really worth the effort. Feedback like yours is what encourages me to keep going and I really appreciate it. Thanks again. Trevor

  3. Well done Trevor another great read! Yes friendships are strange, some are vlose and some are brief fleeing moments if time. Me, I find conversation hard and leavecthe talking to my wife, anytime anywhere, she just opens up to strangers in the most strange places. I just stand there quietly and throw in a hint now and then.
    These friendships can last a life time and just like yours in Tenerife we met a couple in holidays in Algarve many years ago and kept in touch with the usual Christmas cards and odd calls!.
    Fir some reason recently I crossed paths with Kevin, and it was like we were never apart… one minute, five minutes turned to 30 mins and we told stories if our life since we last met and some if our stage performances on holidays.
    Yup a great 30mins talking!

    Friendships are sown and grow in spite of our lack of meeting, are sometimes the best as there from the heart!

    1. Spot on Barry. Great to meet old friends and take up where you left off as if it was only yesterday. Take care.

  4. What another lovely story Trevor
    You have a great talent the way you write your stories
    You lifted my spirits this evening
    I’ll look forward to the Christmas one

  5. Love this Trevor. I would never put you down as a man who is slow to strike up a conversation!!!
    Great article.

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